Yes or No Survey Questions for Students: Exploring Perspectives and Insights

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education, understanding students’ diverse needs and experiences is crucial. In this yes-or-no survey, we delve into two vital themes: academic experience and learning styles, as well as student well-being and mental health.

We are here to uncover the learning preferences that resonate most with you. Whether you thrive in a dynamic classroom with interactive group activities, or you prefer to absorb knowledge through self-paced individual study, your input will help educators adapt their approaches to better suit your learning style.

Also, we’re deeply committed to student well-being. Stress, anxiety, and mental health support are significant factors in your educational journey. By sharing your experiences, you’re directly contributing to enhancing support services within educational institutions, ensuring that every student feels empowered and supported.

Your perspectives and insights as students are critical and invaluable. They are the key to shaping the future of education.

Learning and well-being

Understanding learning preferences and approaches is essential for creating an enriching educational experience. Imagine stepping into a classroom where the teaching style perfectly aligns with how you absorb information best – through captivating visual aids, engaging group activities, or focused individual study. Your learning journey becomes not just practical but enjoyable.

Moreover, prioritizing student well-being is paramount. We recognize that the path through education can be fraught with stressors and challenges.

Access to reliable mental health support services is vital for managing academic pressures and coping with personal struggles. Your well-being matters, and by sharing your experiences, you’re helping to shape a learning environment that fosters academic success, holistic growth, and resilience.

Learning approaches can vary greatly, and understanding them can enhance your educational experience. Here are six fundamental approaches to consider:

  • Visual Learning: Preferring diagrams, charts, and videos to understand concepts better.
  • Auditory Learning: Thriving through lectures, discussions, and podcasts.
  • Kinesthetic Learning: Learning best through hands-on activities and physical experiences.
  • Collaborative Learning: Enjoy group work, discussions, and peer-to-peer teaching.
  • Independent Learning: Excelling in self-directed study and research.
  • Experiential Learning: Gaining knowledge through real-world experiences and experiments.

Let’s explore how we can tailor educational approaches to meet your unique learning preferences while prioritizing your mental health and well-being. Your insights have the power to drive positive change, making education a fulfilling and empowering journey for all students.

Step 1. Background questions

These questions help students reflect on their learning preferences and well-being, providing valuable insights for educators and institutions to support their educational journey.

Academic Experience and Learning Styles:

  1. Do you prefer learning through interactive group activities?
  2. Are you comfortable studying independently at your own pace?
  3. Do visual aids like diagrams and videos help you understand concepts better?
  4. Do you enjoy participating in collaborative projects?
  5. Do you learn best through hands-on activities and physical experiences?
  6. Do you prefer lectures and discussions to acquire new knowledge?
  7. Are you comfortable with self-directed study and research?
  8. Do you thrive in a dynamic classroom environment with frequent changes and interactions?
  9. Are you more focused when studying individually rather than in a group?
  10. Do you prefer learning through real-world experiences and experiments?

Student Well-being and Mental Health:

  1. Do you feel supported by your educational institution in managing stress?
  2. Have you utilized mental health support services provided by your school?
  3. Do you feel comfortable discussing your mental health concerns with teachers or counselors?
  4. Have academic pressures ever negatively impacted your mental well-being?
  5. Do you have access to resources for coping with stress and anxiety?
  6. Do you feel empowered to seek help when facing mental health challenges?
  7. Do you believe your school prioritizes student well-being alongside academic success?
  8. Have you ever experienced stress-related physical symptoms due to academic pressures?
  9. Do you have a support system of friends or peers to turn to during challenging times?
  10. Does your school foster a supportive and inclusive community for students’ mental health needs?

Step 2. Learning approach questions

Category 1: Visual Learning:

  1. Do you find diagrams helpful in understanding complex concepts?
  2. Do you prefer learning from charts and graphs rather than lengthy text?
  3. Are you more engaged when educational materials include videos or animations?
  4. Do you remember information better when it’s presented visually?
  5. Do you enjoy creating visual aids like mind maps or infographics to study?

Category 2: Auditory Learning:

  1. Do you prefer listening to lectures rather than reading textbooks?
  2. Do you find discussions with peers helpful for understanding course material?
  3. Are you more focused when listening to podcasts or audiobooks?
  4. Do you enjoy participating in debates or oral presentations?
  5. Do you retain information better when it’s explained verbally?

Category 3: Kinesthetic Learning:

  1. Do you prefer learning through hands-on experiments or activities?
  2. Do you find it easier to understand concepts by physically interacting with them?
  3. Are you more engaged in classes that involve movement or physical demonstrations?
  4. Do you enjoy role-playing or simulations to learn new concepts?
  5. Do you prefer taking breaks to move around while studying?

Category 4: Collaborative Learning:

  1. Do you enjoy working on group projects with classmates?
  2. Do you find peer-to-peer teaching beneficial for understanding complex topics?
  3. Are you more motivated to study when you can discuss ideas with others?
  4. Do you prefer studying in study groups rather than alone?
  5. Do you enjoy participating in class discussions and debates?

Category 5: Independent Learning:

  1. Do you prefer studying alone rather than in groups?
  2. Are you comfortable setting your study schedule and pace?
  3. Do you enjoy conducting research and finding information on your own?
  4. Are you more focused when studying in a quiet environment?
  5. Do you prefer learning through self-directed projects rather than structured assignments?


We’ve discovered that learning approaches vary greatly, from visual learners who thrive on diagrams and videos to kinesthetic learners who prefer hands-on activities. Furthermore, your insights have highlighted the importance of prioritizing mental health and well-being in the educational journey, ensuring every student feels supported and empowered to succeed.

We’ve embarked on a journey to tailor educational approaches to meet each student’s unique needs and preferences while prioritizing their mental health and well-being. By sharing your experiences, you’ve played a vital role in driving positive change and shaping the future of education.